Nina Kojima’s Home Page

With over 22 years of experiences working in radio and television (National Radio Television Slovenia), Nina decided to take on a new challenge of film directing.

Back in February, I got very excited when Vegas Movie Awards festival contacted me with the suggestion that I apply to their festival competition. I almost forgot about Libido, which will always be my very special film work; my first time film director. Judges in Vegas liked Libido. Early in June they informed me my student short got officially selected and on the 8th of June they announced that Libido was a semi finalist in 4 categories; Best First Time Film Director, Best Student film, Best Original Story and the main actress Elisabeth Defforey became a semi finalist for the Best Actress category. At the end Libido won The Best Original Story award in the June edition of the festival. Thank you so much Vegas Movie Awards for making me a Queen of Vegas!



Vegas Movie Awards – list of awarded categories:  

Winner – Best Original Story: Nina Kojima for Libido



Semi Finalist – Best First Time Film Director: Nina Kojima for Libido


Semi Finalist – Best Original Story: Nina Kojima for Libido


Semi Finalist – Best Student film: Nina Kojima for Libido


Semi Finalist – Best Actress: Elisabeth Defforey for Libido